Immigration has always been a complicated matter of the law, but it’s become even more complex in recent years. Luckily, California has passed several laws that protect immigrants and their civil rights. These state laws may stand in direct opposition to federal guidelines, and can quickly become an intense legal battle that requires professional guidance to settle.
Our goal is to create an immigration relief plan based on your needs. Zealous Law takes the time to develop a relationship with you, so we have the best chance of preventing deportation. Immigration court is designed to reveal the facts of your life and your legal status that will determine where you live, and we use every measure of the law to keep you from being removed from the state.
While it may be tempting to take on the courts yourself, litigation for immigration law is extremely difficult to understand unless you’ve been formally trained in the statutes. Even the most experienced attorneys may find it difficult to keep up with the rapidly shifting political climate and how it’s influencing the long-standing laws that have governed their practice.
Zealous Law is here to help you understand how your court hearing will proceed and what’s necessary to prove to the courts. From documents to eyewitnesses, there are a variety of ways to help convince the judge to rule in your favor. Our attorneys know which strategies the government will use against you, and how to prepare a defense that will render their arguments null and void.
Contentious immigration laws are ripping apart families from every corner of the globe. If you’re in the middle of a tangled immigration case, now is the time to schedule a free consultation. When you have a better grasp of your case, you can start establishing the facts that will give the best chance of staying in California. Zealous Law is the key to unlocking the puzzle.
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