Personal Injury Law

Personal Injury Law

Personal Injury Law

From car accidents to dog bites to sexual harassment, personal injury is a broad section of the law. Whether you were hit by an uninsured motorist or injured by a dangerous product defect, we can structure your case so the courts will listen.

When a personal injury occurs, it’s easy to lose yourself in the aftermath of the accident. You may have to spend weeks or even months recovering, leaving precious little time to take action against the responsible party. An insurance company may deny your claim again and again, hoping that you’ll eventually get discouraged enough to give up.

The personal injury attorneys at Zealous Law can show you how personal injury laws apply to your claim. We’re here to explain the process, so you can make informed decisions in total confidence.


Wrongful death is one of the most devastating personal injury claims you can file, one where the practical impacts can be as debilitating as the emotional pressures. Whether you lost a spouse, family member, or child, a wrongful death lawyer won’t rest until the at-fault party is held responsible.

California personal injury lawyers will help you file for damages based on the negligence laws of California. When an accident occurs, the courts will consider the actions of each party involved in the incident. This will affect the compensation you receive and how the settlement is paid out.

There’s more to personal injury than just the direct expenses of an accident. Pain and suffering, loss of consortium, and lost wages all need to be taken into account before your case is finally settled. When you call Zealous Law for a free consultation, you have everything to gain. Our expert opinion based on countless personal injury cases can be precisely what you need to move forward with the right partner by your side.

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